From PMS to perimenopause and on into menopause, hormonal ups and downs can literally make you feel like you have a double-personality.
Refers to the therapeutic use of food and supplements to treat many medical conditions without the side effects. We will work together and get results.
Lasting weight loss comes only when we reach out for help and support. I believe losing weight should be fun. Are you ready to shed some pounds?
Reiki is an ancient form of energy medicine that stimulates the healing process by locating blockages, injuries, and areas of imbalance.
Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the world to treat disease and enhance well-being.
Homeopathically prepared remedies work with the body’s own healing mechanism gently, subtly, and safely.
Using specific postures and breathwork, this technique systematically addresses physical injury or pain, emotional stress or trauma.
This simple screening device can help reveal the keys to restoring cellular and hormonal balance.